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Re Org

Democrats Re-Organize every Two Years.

What is "Re-Org"?
What Is Reorg and What's In It For Me?


In February of odd-numbered years all levels of the Democratic Party hold meetings to elect new leaders for the next two years. This is called Re-organization, or more fondly, ReOrg. At ReOrg, members of the La Plata County Democratic Central Committee elect party officers, including a Chair, 1st Vice-Chair, 2nd Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Any registered Democrat in the county is eligible to run for these offices, and we encourage you to do so. Even incumbent officers must run for their seats if they wish to continue serving in their leadership role. Being an officer of the La Plata Dems is one of the primary ways you can influence the future of this County.


To learn more about the requirements of these roles, read on below. If you really want to dive in deep, we can send you our full bylaws. All positions must be filled by voters registered as Democrats in this county.

  • These are all Volunteer positions.
    • CHAIR - Presides over party functions, oversees other vice chairs and executive committee members, develops strategies to WIN elections (volunteers, media outreach, fundraising). Has financial and contractual authority. Recruits and advises candidates. Appoints committee members and others to open seats. Interfaces with the State Party and La Plata County Clerk on upcoming elections.​

    • 1ST VICE CHAIR - Coordinates Volunteers with recruitment and training.

    • 2ND VICE CHAIR - Coordinates all annual events for the Democrats - fundraisers, county fair, parades, etc.

    • TREASURER - Manages budgets and bookkeeping, state reporting for all donations and expense.

    • SECRETARY - Officially documents all proceedings; sometimes takes over the newsletter or website updates.

    • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AT LARGE - the workhorses who help us all with communications (website, newsletter, ads), events, voter registration, community outreach, etc.

    • PRECINCT ORGANIZER - Connect with your neighbors! Host a party or two, subsidized by the Dems! Represent them in deciding on vacancies at the Party, County, District or State levels. 

We'll also elect bonus members to serve on various state and district central committees, making sure that the Democrats here in La Plata County have a seat at the tables where important decisions are made.​ These will all be 60-90 minute Zoom meetings this spring.


How Do I Run?

Complete this form.​​​​


In order to be included in the Call/Agenda and on the ballot, applications must be received by noon on January 22, which gives us time to prepare the Call, add your name to the Agenda, include you in the script, and add you to the ballot. It also gives you time to appeal to members of the central committee to support your candidacy. Names will be listed on the ballot in the order that applications are received. No exceptions will be made; however, if you miss the deadline, you can also be nominated from the floor. ​


How Do I Learn More?​

Join one of these zoom sessions to learn more about ReOrg and how to run for party leadership positions.


Colorado Dems Reorg training January 14th at 6pm

​​​​​​Colorado Dems Reorg training January 23rd at 6pm

When, Where, and Who?

Saturday February 8 at 4 pm.

FLC Innovation Center - 2nd Fl, Main Mall, Durango

Please register to attend ReOrg -

We hope to make this social and fun as well as get business done! We'll have some appetizers and beverages to enjoy.


Anyone may attend Reorg but only Central Committee members may vote. That includes elected Democrats who live in La Plata, precinct organizers, and Officers of the Party) may vote. This is one of the most important functions of the members of our central committee and we hope for 100% attendance.


Join the Newsletter!

Sign up for the La Plata Dem's bi-monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date on all the haps!

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